How To Regrow Lettuce From Scraps

If you're planning to go zero-waste, or if you don't want to buy that packaged lettuce from grocery store for any other reason, then this article is for you! You can use the waste of your next lettuce to grow it again in your garden, or in a container.
This is an eco-friendly method to grow lettuce, you'll be saving some of the food waste and also you'll be avoiding the plastic packaging which is common today even in the local grocery stores. 

Save the waste. this is the most important step, most of the times while we're preparing food we forget about how we can reuse the waste, so this is a reminder for you, next time you're cutting your lettuce, make sure to save the end from a head of the lettuce, this is the part that we're looking for.

 Cut the stem. cut the leaves of the lettuce from the stem at about one inch from the bottom.

Put in water. Well, next you need to put the stem in a shallow bowl of water for a few days, later, the roots will begin to grow at the bottom of the stump.

Put in a container. After the roots have successfully grown, put the stem of the lettuce in a container, not a small one, and start to water it twice per week or every four days, after a few days you'll  notice the leaves begin to form. And that's it, enjoy your packager-free lettuce! #GrowYourFood 

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