Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying Something

While I was reading about minimalism, environment,low-impact lifestyle... I started to change my way of thinking and understanding how the commerce works, I started to note down new steps to do and NOT to do, then I changed my surroundings and the products that I use (room, kitchen, bathroom), but the only question that I couldn't answer is how to shop smarter as a minimalist applying zero-waste ?

Why You Are Willing To Buy It ?

When we say shopping, we think of it in terms of what we buy, but the real reason of acquiring new things too often is not because that we do actually need new goods, same as everything else we do, we are searching for happiness, our daily and unstoppable mission.
Whenever you want to get something new, ask yourself why, many times the answer will be to fill your emptiness by experiencing happiness every time you feel the need of it.

What Can You Do With It Beyond It's Original Use ?

A good example for this question is, you buying a new t-shirt, shoe, or an electric device... ask yourself what you can do with it when it spoils? You should start looking for long-term & eco-friendly products instead of the regular options that you'll throw all of it away after a while because there is nothing else to do with it, so next time you see a product and you're not sure if you need it imagine what's going to happen with it later (is it biodegradable? Can you use it for another purpose? Is it sustainable?)

Where It Came From ?

I see many people (includes me -used to-) buy products without searching where it came from, how it is manufactured, ex. a special snack for most people "Nutella" when I visit people there is always a jar of Nutella in the house, when you look at the ingredients there are only seven, the first ingredient of Nutella is sugar. Listed second is palm oil, follows it hazelnuts, cocoa, milk, lecithin (soy) and vanillin.
Let's take a look and search what Is palm oil?
Palm oil is extracted from the palm fruit, which grows on the African oil palm tree. It’s popular as a food ingredient due to its natural properties and versatility, palm oil is found in about half of packaged products in our grocery stores (source: Rainforest Action Network), as a result of that, worldwide demand for palm oil is increasing, that demand urges farmers in tropical climates (in Indonesia and Malaysia where is 85% of palm trees cultivated), to cut down and destroy the green rainforest and create more palm oil plantations instead of it.
Another time you go grocery shopping search a little bit more, then decide if you want to support and buy.