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If you've been buying green onions from the store with all the plastic packaging that came with it, then it's time to stop!
Here is a great way to regrow green onions from the end root of an onions, you can grow green onions anywhere, and even if you don't have a garden, all you need is an old container (I used a tin can) and some good soil, and sun.
Enjoy your green onions for free and forever, and the most important thing that it is waste-free.
- Save Your Onion Scraps
The root end of the onion is what we are looking for, you can still use all the other parts of the onion as food and in the same time regrow green onions from the scraps.
So next time don't forget to save the scraps of the onions, especially the root!
- But Wait, Which Part Of The Onion Is The End Root?
The part that I've chopped is the end root of the onion.
- Put The Root End In Water For 2-3 Days
Put the root end of the onion in water, for this step you don't need to put the root end outside in the sunlight, you can keep it inside, you need to change the water everyday, and when you notice that the end root is regrowing then it's time for the scraps to be planted again and come back to life!
- Planting Time
Plant the end root 1 inch deep in soil, pointing the root side down.
- Keep The Green Onions Well Watered
Throughout the growing season, green onions need moist soil, so you need to provide the plant about 1 inch of water per week.
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